Test Page | Kwillians

How to Grow your Kwilling

Ready to grow your Kwilling up and get them into the wonderful world of adulthood as a full-fledged Kwillian? Wanna know why you should grow them up in the first place? Look no further as all of that will be covered in this handy-dandy Grow-Up Guide.

In this guide we'll be talking about how you grow your Kwillian, as well as why it might be a good idea to.

Step 1 | Why Should I Grow up my Kwilling?

Kwillings are pretty cute, however they are also limited in what they can do in the group. They can't learn magic, breed, participate in most Quests or any Jobs, not to mention that Kwilling can only gain upgrades off of the Baby Page without the use of upgrade items or vouchers.

Adults can do a lot more then their smaller child counterparts can, so lets take a look at all the things the big kids can do that the little ones can't!

Adults Can...

  • Use the Breeding System, allowing you to utilize your free breeding slot- and gain a new adorable Kwilling!
  • Learn the full range of their magical alignment instead of being limited to only using their baby ability.
  • Complete Jobs and adult only Quests as long as any previous requirements are met!
  • Gain any upgrade they have unlocked via completing the upgrade requirements!
  • Participate in Adult-Only events/parts of events in the group! After all, nobody wants to babysit a bunch of unruly Kwillings on a dangerous adventure. No thanks!
  • Step 2| Preparing to Grow your Kwilling

    Let's start with how to grow your Kwilling, now that you (assumedly) are ready to to get them all grown up and toss them into the wonderful world of adulthood. There are very fiew requirements for actually growing your Kwillian up, in fact there are only two things required for growing a Kwilling. Lets look at these two requirements;

  • Your Kwilling must be a minimum of One Month old, calculated from the date their Baby Approval was posted, in order to grow!
  • You'll need to have three separate fullbody deviations of the Kwilling you want to grow! Their Kwilling approval does not count for one of the Three Fullbodies you need.
  • Step 3 | Picking a Stance

    The first step when actually growing them up? Choosing one of the available Four (4) stances to grow your Kwilling into. This stance will eventually be able to be changed, just keep in mind it may not be the easiest thing to do!


    Anthro Kwillian, the most common stance, are characterized by; evenly proportioned limbs, digitigrade legs, short neck, and upright back. Typically considered the most dexterous and handy stance, Anthro Kwillian do most of the jobs requiring finesse or handiwork.

    Their Body-Types tend to vary more widely then those of the other stances.


    The Sprinter stance is easily the least common stance, and is characterized by; shortened forelegs, large back legs and feet for balancing, and a sloped nearly horizontal back.

    Sprinters are easily the fastest of the stance, used in jobs such as mail delivery, recon, or search and recovery. They also inhabit a lot of the same jobs as Anthros, but to a lesser degree thanks to their shortened raptor like arms.


    The second most common stance, Feline Stance Kwillian are considered some of the most elegant. They're most easily characterized by; Long but same sized limbs, long sleek tail, lean builds, and flat backs.

    They sometimes work in jobs similar to those of the Sprinter stance, being the second fastest stance there is, however most Feline Stance Kwillian you'll find will work non-strength based jobs, such as shopkeeping, house cleaning, and the like.


    Fighter Stanced Kwillian are the third most common stance you'll find. They're easily spotted, characterized by; thick and long front legs, short back legs, a sloped back, and a thick strong neck. This stance is almost exclusively seen in jobs requiring immense strength, such as pulling carts, tanking in fights, and hauling in general.

    These Kwillian are the slowest of all the stances due to their sloped backs and short back legs, however this is made up for by their sheer strength and power. They may not be able to be beat you in a race, but arm wrestlings another matter.

    Step 4 | Drawing the Approval

    Now, in order to start drawing the art for your Kwillian grow-up, you'll first need the template that you'll be putting said art on! Keep in mind that Bipedals and Quadropedals have different templates, so make sure to grab the right one to draw on!

    In order to download your template, simply click the button below and right-click the image before hitting "Save image as..." to download it! Alternatively, on mobile, you can hold down on the image before clicking the "Download" option!

    Things to Keep in Mind

  • Your Kwillings placements shouldn't warp or move around when growing up.
  • The Kwilling and Adult should both be facing the same direction! The body should be facing the same way as the head.
  • Accessories or Clothing should NOT be included in a grow up image.
  • The application should not be shaded. Only eyeshine is allowed.
  • If you're drawing traditionally, please try to take the image in natural lighting on a flat surface, or use a scanner.
  • The Adult and Kwillings heads should both be drawn in completely profile from the side
  • Make sure to reference the Adult Stance you chose carefully! If you're having trouble drawing your Kwillian all grown-up that's not problem, simply head over to the #art-and-application-help channel in the Kwillians Discord!

    Step 5 | Submitting your Approval

    Now that you've drawn your Kwillian's grow up approval, you'll have to upload it to Deviantart or Toyhou.se and add the needed information. Let's take a look at what you need to include in the description of a Deviation or in a forum post on the groups Toyhou.se world for Adult Approvals!

    Notated Form

    Name: Your Kwillians name! This should be the same name they were approved with.

    Stance: Which adult stance you chose to grow your Kwillian up into.

    Baby Approval:A link to your Kwillians baby approval

    3 Fullbodies: Links to the three seperate deviations containing the required Fullbodies of your Kwillian

    Upgrades: What upgrades your Kwillian has! These should all be shown on the approval (except for Unlimited Clothing or Accessories)

    Blank Form



    Baby Approval:

    3 Fullbodies:


    What Next

    Now that you have an adult a lot more has unlocked in Kwillians! Check out Learning Magic, Jobs, and even Breeding! A whole world of possibilities has been unlocked, now that you have a brave grown Kwillian to face the world of Metioth with.