Markings must start off as all the same color when first applied, but colors can be changed and mixed by using Color Mixer!
All Markings can be Base, Secondary color or Accent Colored.
Markings of differing types (i.e. spots vs stripes) cannot overlap unless they are the same color! Different markings of different colors can't overlap at all.
Your Kwillian can only have one conventional marking without Unlimited Markings applied! Markings from some limited-time rewards for events are able to be applied without Unlimited Markings even if you have a marking already applied.
What are you sick or something?
Spots can be randomly scattered or deliberately placed.
This marking can be used to border placements of the same color to make them "bubbly" and textured!
Almost a Zebra, almost.
Stripes cannot connect or tongue to forme complex shapes or patterns outside of stripe patterns.
The points of stripes must be sharp or semi sharp and cannot be completely rounded on the end.
Bracelets aren't hip, we keep telling you this.
Bands must wrap around something completely and cannot be free floating with a defined end!
Racing Stripes
Can you do the tongue thing?
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for participating in a race! Did they win or Lose?
Racing Stripes can be anywhere from one to seven racing stripes down the back.
Stripes must be one solid stripe and canot start and end anywhere between the forehead and tip of the tail.
Camouflage! Except... not really
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for interacting with Bit or Bobble.
Rosettes can start off with one or two colors as a second color can be placed under the actual rosette shape!
Now how is your highlighting?
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for enjoying the shade OR sunshine!
Contour can be used to outline placements or other markings.
It's just my style
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for doing something artistic!
The stray spots of Splatter should stay close to the splatters and not resemble randomly scattered spot markings.
Splatters cannot overlap to create complex shapes or patterns.
Patchwork Pony
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this upgrade for trying to sew something. Why are they sewing? Are they good at it?
Stitches must include the stitch line on the markings and cannot just be stray lines.
This Marking can be used to outline placements! Giving them a patchwork or "stitched on" look!
Like you're right out of a story book.
Swirls cannot overlap to make complex shapes or patterns
Mosiac Tiles
Looking through a stained glass window
Drawing Requirement:
Make a traditional paper cutout of the Kwillian you want these markings for!
[Paper Cutout Tutorial]
Paper Cutouts for the requirement must be a traditional cutout and cannot be digital.
Mosiac tiles must be placed in clusters/patches of the marking and cannot be by themselves.
Master of all four- er, twenty-one elements.
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this marking for must have completed 5 Exploration Jobs.
Arrows can be used to creatre complex or interesting patterns and shapes.
Box Markings
Be there or be square!
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for inside of a box! Are they in an actual box? Have you squashed them down into a small square canvas? You decide!
Box Markings can be a mix and match of any of the examples above, i.e. solid, empty, box in a box, etc.
Hoop Markings
Drawing Requirement:
Draw the Kwillian you want this marking for inside of a circle! Are they hoola-hooping? Looking through a lens? Use your imagination!
Hoop Markings, like Box Markings, can be a mix and match of any of the examples above!
Smudgy Markings
Peregrine Patterning.
Smudgy Markings cannot form overly complex shapes.
Marbled Markings
Don't talk smack, tabby cat!
Marbled Markings cannot create clean defined stripes or smudges, any stripes should be wobbly and loose- like marbling a cat!
Marbled Markings cannot be used to create complex shapes on a Kwillian.
Unlimited Markings
Express shipping on all markings, limited time only.
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this upgrade for must have at least 20 Deviations.
Unlimited Markings allows you to apply as many upgrades as you have unlocked to your Kwillian.
You must still meet the requirement for each upgrade you wish to apply and cannot skip the requirement for them with this upgrade.
All Color Upgrades require a side by side comparison of before and after the application of the upgrade!
Color upgrades cannot be 'removed' and must be re-applied if you wish to revert your Kwillians appearance to previous design.
Tint Changer
Looking a little bit faded
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this upgrade for must have 5 Deviations.
Tint Changer allows you to change the lightness and saturation of a color on your Kwillian, however you cannot change the hue of the color.
Base, Secondary, and Accent colors can all be Tint Changed, however eye and gem color should not change with this upgrade.
Keep the shift reasonable! You cannot tint a near white color to near black or vice versa.
Colors cannot be tinted to be pure black or pure white.
Color Mixer
New placements, new you!
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this upgrade for must have 10 Deviations
Hair, Gem, and Eye Color cannot be color mixed from their respective area onto other parts of the body.
If Color Mixer is used to remove a color from your Kwillian, it cannot be gotten back without Add a Color or Unlimited Colors.
This Upgrade can be used to move around markings, or make them different colors from one another.
Add a Color
Just a little bit more colorful.
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this upgrade for must have 15 Deviations
Add a Color can only apply one color, if you re-apply add a color it will remove the previous color added in favor of the new one.
The color added cannot be pure black or pure white.
The added color cannot affect your Kwillians eyes, nose, mouth, or gem
Add a Color is automatically added as a Secondary Color for upgrade color purposes!
Unlimited Colors
Paint with all the colors of the wind
Drawing Requirement:
The Kwillian you want this upgrade for must have at least 25 Deviations.
You can add any color with this upgrade excluding pure black!
The added colors cannot affect your Kwillians eyes, nose, mouth, or gem.
This upgrade only allows the addition of placements and colors, and does not allow you to free-apply markings.
Sometimes it's okay to blur lines, sometimes.
Gradient can affect the edges of placements, or with color mixer, gradient markings from one color to another!
Gradients should be blended softly with an airbrush or some sort of blur tool!