Breeding Upgrades | Kwillians

Harmless Mutations

Blackout Eyes

Then, suddenly, everything went dark...


  • Blackout Eyes must turn the entire eye, Sclera and Iris included, pure-black.
  • Kwillian with this upgrade will still have an eye color mechanically, it simply cannot be seen
  • Blackout Eyes is incompatible with all other eye upgrades.
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Flappy Ears

    Someone's gone and glued wings to your head!


  • Flappy Ears can be any of the three examples shown above.
  • Webbing or Feathers can be Secondary, Base, or Accent Colored.
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Tail Hand

    It's your third arm!


  • Tail Hand is compatible with the following upgrades: Paws, Tiny Claws, Talons, Webbed Digits, and Limb Poofs
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Grappling Ears

    ​More arms means you can pet more dogs!


  • Grappling Ears is compatible with the following upgrades: Paws, Thumbs, Tiny Claws, Webbed Digits, and Limb Poofs
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Melanism

    Color at its most.


  • Melanism darkens the base, secondaries, and eyes of a Kwillian when rolled in a breeding.
  • Melanism is a color upgrade and therefore cannot be removed, but can be overwritten with unlimited colors or add a color, as though "outgrowing" the mutation.
  • This mutation can cause issues such as; fatigue, lack of appetite, and difficulty sleeping.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Albinism

    Color at it's least


  • Albinism signifigantly lightens the base, secondaries, and turns the eyes of a Kwillian red when rolled in a breeding to the point of the base color being near or pure white.
  • Albinism is a color upgrade and therefore cannot be removed, but can be overwritten with unlimited colors or add a color, as though "outgrowing" the mutation.
  • This mutation can cause issues such as; fatigue, lack of appetite, and difficulty sleeping.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Third Eye

    ​Open your third eye...


  • Third Eye must match the other eyes in upgrades and color, as long as the iris and sclera are inverted, unless the Heterochromia upgrade is applied.
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Polymelia

    The better to feel you with, my dear


  • Polymelia's extra set of legs can have any limb upgrades applied to them as long as they follow the rules and the requirements are met.
  • Upon growing up, this mutation appears as a second set of arms, or front legs on a Kwillian.
  • This mutation can be removed, removing a mutation is permanant.
  • This is a HARMLESS mutation and does not impact your Kwillian mechanically.
  • Harmful Mutations

    Conjoined Twins

    Seeing Double!


  • Conjoined Twins can each have completely different ear, head, and eye upgrades, including different eye colors
  • This mutation cannot be removed and is permanant.
  • This is a HARMFUL mutation, and impacts your Kwillian in Mechanics. Kwillian with this mutation cannot participate in Events or Quests labeled as Dangerous regardless of age. They also learn magic at a slower rate then other Kwillian, requiring Double the EXP per ability.
  • Blindness

    Hey, who turned out the lights?


  • Blindness dulls the color of the iris and turns all pupils applied to the Kwillian white.
  • Kwillian with this upgrade will still have a proper eye color mechanically, its simply appears visually lighter than it is.
  • This mutation cannot be removed and is permanant.
  • This is a HARMFUL mutation, and impacts your Kwillian in Mechanics. Kwillian with this mutation cannot participate in Events or Quests labeled as Dangerous regardless of age.
  • Eyeless

    For the skeletal look.


  • Eyeless can be drawn as empty sockets where the eyes should be, or be drawn as completely smooth where the eyes have been removed.
  • Kwillian with this upgrade will still have an eye color mechanically, its simply cannot be seen.
  • This mutation cannot be removed and is permanant.
  • This is a HARMFUL mutation, and impacts your Kwillian in Mechanics. Kwillian with this mutation cannot participate in Events or Quests labeled as Dangerous regardless of age.
  • Metal Gem

    Very shiny, yet very dangerous.


  • Metal Gem must appear as the normal gem color but metallic and shiny instead of smooth and matte.
  • The accent color remains unaffected and cannot be drawn as metallic or shiny.
  • This mutation cannot be removed and is permanant.
  • This is a HARMFUL mutation, and impacts your Kwillian in Mechanics. Kwillian with this mutation cannot learn their Professional Level magic nor a Bonus Magic.
  • Combo Upgrades

    Tower Ears

    What can you hear, with all that ear?


    "Quite an Earful!"

    Painters Tail Tip

    A Masterpiece, Waiting.


    "A Lions Den"

    Monster Ears

    Absolutely, positively monstrous.


    "Maximum Damage"