YCH and Event Upgrades | Kwillians

Month of Heartfelt Upgrades

Heartfelt Markings

Love u <3


Purchased as a voucher in the Heartfelt Month event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Heartfelt Markings must follow the general rules outlined at the top of the Colors and Markings page!
  • Heartfelt Tail Tip

    Love u more <3 <3


    Purchased as a voucher in the Heartfelt Month event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Heartfelt Tail Tip can start as Secondary, Accent, or Pink Colored.
  • The Wings on the side of Heartfelts Tail Tip can start as Secondary, or Base Color.
  • Heartfelts Blessing

    Flying by the seat of your- heart


    Purchased as a voucher in the Heartfelt Month event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Heartfelts Blessings second row of wing feathers can start as Secondary, or Accent Colored.
  • Spectres Haunt Upgrades

    Skeletal Wings

    Bone wings! Bones for wings!


    Purchased as a voucher in the Spectres Haunt event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Skeletal Wings can be modeled after a birds or bats wings skeletal structures.
  • Skeletal Wings can start as a Accent, White, or Off-White Colored.
  • Extra Eyes

    All the better to see you with...


    Purchased as a voucher in the Spectres Haunt event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • This upgrade must add more than one eye to your Kwillians normal two.
  • Added Eyes must have the same Iris color as the main eyes unless the Heterochromia upgrade is applied.
  • Extra Eyes cannot go inside the body such as inside the mouth, onto the gem, or onto your Kwillians Ears.
  • Multi-Maws

    Why the better to EAT you with, my dear!


    Purchased as a voucher in the Spectres Haunt event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Multi-Maws added mouths must contain large sharp teeth.
  • Upgrades that affect the mouth or tongue just as; Monster Mouth, Forked Tongue, and Colored Flesh, can also effect the Multi-Maw mouths with the same upgrade.
  • Seers Eye

    You have the unfortunate feeling that something is watching you...


    Purchased as a voucher in the Spectres Haunt event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Seers Eye reflects all of your Kwillians eye upgrades, including special upgrades like Elemental Eyes or Heterochromia. This eye color does NOT factor into breeding.
  • Seers Eye's 'smoke' or particle effect can be Accent or Eye Colored
  • Seers Eye cannot float far from a Kwillian or disappear. It is always there. Always just right there. Watching. Always watching.
  • Haunting Hands

    It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


    Purchased as a voucher in the Spectres Haunt event Shop. Use the voucher on a Kwillian to apply the upgrade.


  • Haunting Hands adds two hands floating near a Kwillian.
  • The Hands can be Claws or Fingers, not paws.
  • Haunting Hands can start as accent, secondary, or base colored!
  • YCH Upgrades


    ​Two eye colors with no contacts needed!


    Purchased as a YCH


  • Heterochromia must be two eyes that are noticeably different in hue or brightness, i.e. cannot be two different but close shades of red or green.
  • This upgrade can make all eye upgrades assymetrical in color, i.e. Colored Sclera, Colored Pupils, Dual Colored Eyes, Iris Rings, etc.
  • Heterochromia is incompatible with the following upgrades: Blackout Eyes
  • Iris Rings

    ​The cooler alternative to eye-tats


    Purchased as a YCH


  • Iris Rings must be noticeably different in hue or brightness or the main Iris, i.e. cannot be two different but close shades of green or red.
  • Iris Rings will look as though there is a pupil in the center regardless of a pupil being present.
  • This upgrade can be combined with the Shaped Pupils or Slit Pupils upgrade to change the appearance of the ring and shape it to the pupil it surrounds.
  • Iris Rings is incompatible with the following upgrades: Blackout Eyes, Ghostly Eyes
  • Dual Colored Eyes

    Something something dual colored gem?


    Purchased as a YCH


  • Dual Colored Eyes colors must be noticeably different in hue or brightness, i.e. cannot be two different but close shades of blue or red.
  • This ugprade does not affect the Iris Rings upgrade and cannot split the ring into two colors
  • Dual Colored Eyes is incompatible with the following upgrades: Blackout Eyes
  • Elemental Eyes

    They DO say the eyes are the window to the soul


    Purchased as a YCH


  • Elemental Eyes reflects your Kwillians element! Meaning the eyes will be the example above that matches the Alignment of your Kwillian.
  • This upgrade has optional white pupils for many of the eyes that can be included upon request at purchase of a YCH or upon application of the upgrade with a Voucher or YCH Ticket.
  • Elemental Eyes cannot be toggled on and off and must be present at all times.
  • Elemental Eyes is incompatible with all other Eye Upgrades.
  • Multi-Tail



    Purchased as a YCH


  • Multi-Tails adds One (1) to Eight (8) extra tails onto your Kwillian.
  • Each tail may be a different tail upgrade with a differen tail tip, however all requirements for tails and tailtips must first be met before application.
  • Multi-Tails is incompatible with the No Tail upgrade.
  • Exposed Skull

    ​Uh... that can't be healthy.


    Purchased as a YCH


  • Exposed Skull affects both the upper face and lower jaw of a Kwillians head
  • This upgrade can be combined with Muzzle Shifter to change the shape of the skull.
  • Brow Changer can be used to add Eyebrows back onto a Kwillian with Exposed Skull!
  • Exposed Skull is incompatible with the following upgrades: Teeth, Nose Changer, Hunters Mask, and Facial Hair