Test Page | Kwillians

Jobs & Employment


What are Jobs?

Jobs are tasks given by the different NPC's in the group, and are one of the main ways for members to earn Jade Coins. Jade Coins can be used to purchase items from different shops, such as the Traveling Merchant, Pet Emporium, or even the USD Item Shop. Two Jobs are cycled in every month on the Glyphith Job Board while the old jobs cycle out! New jobs are announced in the #glyphith-job-board channel in our group discord.

Jobs can be found on the Job Board google sheet above. To complete a job, simply draw the prompt alongside any needed extras required for that specific job, before submitting it to our #glyphith-job-board channel in the Discord Server.

All Jobs require at minimum a partial with a simple background & simple shading!

Job Types

There are multiple 'Types' of jobs, reflecting the sort of task that's being given. The current three Job Types are Aid, Exploration, and Combat. Different job types might be required for different upgrade requirements, and completing a certain number of a type of quest might just get you rewards in the future! First, let's take a quick look at just what each of the combat Types means

Aid Jobs

Aid jobs involve Helping or Assisting an NPC in a direct manner, such as bringing them something or helping them out in some way. Jobs under the Aid category tend to fall under the Fetch Quest category (get x item for x NPC) however can sometimes include things like helping decorate a home, fix a fence, or more.

Exploration Jobs

Exploration jobs involving Visiting Locations or Leaving Glyphith in some way. Jobs under the Exploration category tend to have Kwillian going out somewhere to check out reports from a location. These locations can be anything from just the outskirts of Glyphith, to a carriage ride to the nearest small settlement.

Combat Jobs

Combat jobs involve a currently unreleased Battle mechanic where a Kwillian can attempt a job that involves fighting a creature.
These types of Jobs are slated to come out after leveling, crafting, and other such RPG elements as battling will rely on a Kwillians Equipment and Level!

Job NPCs

There are named NPC who might appear in jobs. Usually, these NPCs are the ones giving the job or occasionally may be required to be found for the job. There are currently three known Job NPCs, those being;

Agnes Reid is an elderly woman living near the edge of the town in a small townhouse. She enjoys giving cookies to Kwillings who walk by her house and chasing her husband around when he's done something stupid. Again.

Riley Verr is an initiate for the Hunters Guild. Nervous and easy to frighten, Riley most often does the paperwork for the guild and helps Maxwell keep the place sorted. They're usually found running small odd jobs around town.

Hawk is a shady individual who can be found wandering the streets of Glyphith most nights. He's suspicious and the items he asks for are often odd and hard to get, however, Hawk will always pay well for his requests.


Coming Soon...

Employment is a planned Mechanic centering around earning Jade Coins by working for Town & City Locations, such as the Last Hop Orphanage, Crystal Glass, Clinic, and more...