Water Abilities | Kwillians

Warped Abilities


Alter Wood

Change the color and texture of wood with this ability, altering it as you wish it to be.


Alter wood allows the user to modify the outward appearance of a piece of wood to their liking. This ability comes in handy for Kwillians interested in crafting a wide variety of objects, such as bowls, instruments, and carts, but doesn't have a wide selection of wood readily accessible to them. Instead of having to gather multiple types of wood for their projects, they're able to gather one type and change the color and texture of the wood as they wish.


Starting out with this ability, a Kwillian will have an easier time manipulating a smaller piece of wood, like a twig. With more practice and experience the user has, the bigger the piece of wood they're able to change, ranging from a stick, to a sapling, all the way to a fully grown tree. This ability does require physical contact with the chosen piece of wood in order to alter it in any way.

Detect Alignment

Look at another and see their alignment as a faint aura, even works inside the egg! Mostly.


Detect alignment is a great ability for those curious Warped Kwillians interested in finding out other kwills alignments. While focusing on another kwill near them, the user is able to see a faint aura indicating what alignment they possess. With enough experience, the user has the chance to even see the alignment of a kwilling inside of an egg!


The biggest downside to this ability is having to retain focus on one specific individual. Especially if the user is in a crowded area it will be harder to detect another's alignment and distinguish it from the crowd. It's also harder to detect the alignment of an egg compared to an already hatched Kwilling or Kwillian.

See Magic

See when magic is being used whether the user wishes for it or not, there's nothing that hides from your all seeing eyes!


With see magic, the user gains the capability of special sight which allows them to see when another kwill is using magic around them. No matter if the other kwill using magic desires it or not, they can't avoid your gaze. A very helpful ability, especially if the Kwillian using such skill is in a dangerous situation.


Undoubtedly the hardest of the novice abilities considering it requires the user to not only have the kwill in question in their field of vision, but also maintain intense focus. Once their focus is disrupted or lost in any way they are unable to see the magic being used anymore.


Alter Stone

Change the color and texture of stone with this ability, altering it as you wish it to be.


Like the alter wood ability, the user is able to bend the physical appearance of a stone to their whim. Another useful ability in crafting or decorating. I wonder what would happen if you tried making the stone pink or blue, who knows what your kwill is able to achieve!


Along with the use being like its sister ability, the limitations are alike as well. Starting off your kwill will be able to modify small pebbles or tiny portions of a boulder. With enough time and practice the Kwillian will be able to change the color and texture of the smallest pebble to a large boulder.

Construct Golem

Construct a small golem to do your bidding, whether this be fetching you a glass of water or uselessly punching the ankles of your enemies.


Wouldn't it be wonderful to create your own little helper? With the ability construct golem it's possible! Your Kwillian is able to build a fully functioning golem out of the earth (dirt and mud) or stone. This ability is helpful for Kwillians in need of an extra set of hands either at their business or even at home, especially if they have a lot of kwillings to look after.


Arguably the hardest ability in the acolyte level for the Warped alignment, as you are literally creating an artificial living creature to do whatever you may ask of it. If the golem is made of stone, keep it away from deep water! They would fall and sink to the bottom. As for golems made from the earth, make sure they stay out of the rain or else they could turn into a muddy puddle!

Warp Plants

Warp plants into something unnatural, corrupting them with your very touch…


With warp plants, the user has the ability to manipulate plants in a wide variety of different ways. You are able to change something minor like the color, turning a flower that is normally red to be purple and green, or perhaps a harmless bush into a carnivorous plant like a venus flytrap. Of course there is always the chance the ability doesn't go as planned and the plant has the possibility to grow extra buds that give off a terrible smell, vines that come alive, the flower could start screaming, or even morph into something never seen before.


The Kwillian using this ability must touch the plant that they wish to warp. Where they touch it could affect the plant differently, so the user should also have a clear idea of how they want to warp the plant or something could go wrong. It is possible for the Kwillian to warp a full grown tree or plant bigger than them, but it takes a lot of strength and practice on smaller plants before they can get to that point.


Trasmutate Metals

Transmutate a metal into another in tiers, going from copper, to silver, to gold, to platinum!


Transmutate metals can be useful in a few different situations. Maybe your Kwillian is an artisan creating jewelry for themself or others, either out of the kindness of their heart or as a career, but are always in need of different metals for their products. With this ability, they are able to transform a type of metal into the various types they may need, ranging from copper all the way to platinum!


Another ability that is reliant on the experience of the user. A Kwillian using transmutate metals is unable to immediately transmute anything higher than copper to silver. They must work their way up and they are never able to skip a tier, so no Kwillian is able to change say copper into platinum. Another limitation is that the user must always be touching whichever metal they are trying to transmute, without touching it, the change is impossible.

Alchemical Explosion

Create an uncontrollable explosion with your magic, possibly hurting those around you, but more likely hurting yourself…


This ability allows the user to produce an unmanageable explosion with their magic. This could come in handy in a life-or-death situation, but otherwise, it's unwise to use this ability. This ability is capable of smaller, less dangerous explosions, but it's still not suggested to use this ability unless absolutely necessary.


Alchemical explosion is more an inconvenience than anything as it takes a lot of the user's strength to create an explosion practically out of nothing. Other than putting stress on the user's body, there's always the possibility of the user hurting others around them and an even higher risk of them hurting themself in the process of releasing the explosive force from their hand.

Alter Perception

Alter the perception of another, from tinting their vision to instilling temporary blindness upon them!


Alter perception allows the user to adjust another's vision. This could be useful in pulling a prank to tint another Kwillians vision for a short period of time or by manipulating a dangerous creature's sight so they are temporarily blind.


This ability does require some form of eye contact between the user and the subject. The more experienced Kwillians are able to use this ability with only a glance while a novice Kwillian just learning this ability must keep constant eye contact. All usages of this ability are only temporary! Although experienced users can cause the effects to stay longer than new users, the longest this ability can last is a day at max.