Identify a poison, whether it's been ingested or still rests in a bowl.
Allows a toxic Kwillian to identify a specific poison that's either uningested, or already eaten by another Kwillian. This ability is incredibly useful in detecting whether or not somethings been poisoned in the first place, testing to see if one can identify a poison in a meal or drink. It can also be used to test a cup already drank, or a Kwillian to see what they've ingested and been poisoned with. This can allow a doctor to more accurately treat the patient, if there's any hope for treatment at all.
This ability requires physical contact with the food, drink, or Kwillian being tested to identify any poisons in. Whether it be a finger stirring the drink, touching the arm of a poisoned Kwillian, or stuffing your whole head into a pot of soup just to be sure it's not been tampered with. This ability can also be easily muddled and confused if multiple poisons are present in something or someone, causing unreliable readings as most often simply the poison of the highest concentration will be detected and identified.
Touch another Kwillian or creature and instill a feeling of overwhelming nausea.
Nauseating Touch is most often used as a tool to mess with your friends, or get revenge on that other Kwill who stole your sandwich from the communal icebox at work one time. This ability can also be used to disorient opponent during a fight, often causing the target to vomit pretty close to the time of contact, giving opening to either strike a blow or flee from the encounter. This ability can be used on both other Kwillian, and domestic or wild creatures.
This ability requires physical skin to skin contact with the target one is trying to cause to become nauseous for maximum efficiency. There can be no clothes or super thick fur in the same way, or the abilities effects are dampened severely and the ability becomes mostly useless. Nauseating Touch also works best with some sort of ill intent or fear, whether it be the intent to prank another, defending yourself from an attacker, or simply the intent to cause harm to them with the ability. A happy go lucky Kwillian may find this ability difficult to perform well.
Exhale a cloud of noxious fumes, making all who inhale it dizzy and disoriented.
This ability is almost purely offensive, letting a toxic Kwillian spit out a cloud of thick fumes that disorient and cause dizziness to those who breathe it in. This is perfect for clearing a room of people you don't like, or subdueing battlefield of enemy soldiers. It can also be used against animals, whether to calm them down or simply clear them from the area. Breath Noxious Fumes is definitely a great ability for crowd control, just make sure you don't inhale too much yourself!
These fumes don't cause damage so much as they cause disorientation and dizziness, making Kwillian either leave the area or unable to fight back. This ability also relies on a Kwillians lung capacity and the winds in the area. The amount of fumes you can breathe out is limited to how much air you can normally exhale in one go from your lungs and how big of a breath you took before. It's also important to remember these fumes are still gaseous, and a strong breeze could clear the area. Smoke Kwillian can also use their Breathe Smog ability, becoming immune to the Noxious Fumes a toxic Kwillian can exhale.
Touch an object, or Kwillian, and purge the poisons within. Useful for curing those who have been targeted, or the meals of friends and loved ones.
This ability is straightforward and practical in use. Purify Poisons allows a toxic alignment Kwillian to purify the poisons from something or someone. This ability can neutralize small to medium amounts of potent poison completely, and lessen larger amounts of poison in someones system or nightly meal if used. This is obviously most practically applied by simply using the ability as intended, to cure a Kwillian of their poisoning or remove poison from something meant to be ingested.
This ability, much like Identify Poisons, requires contact with the food, drink, or Kwillian being cured of the poison. Purify Poisons is also not an immediate cure for any amount of poison, as large amounts of poison can only be partially purified and a Kwillian may still succumb to the effects. It's also important to note that the more potent and powerful a poison, the more magic it takes to purify it from something, or someone. Houndstooth Poisoning is virtually impossible to cure with this ability due to the sheer concentration of toxins the flowers petals, stem, and leaves possess.
Touch another Kwillian or creature and completely remove the feeling of physical sensation from an area for a short time.
Numbing Touch is one of the least nefarious abilities that toxic Kwillian possess, only beat out by Purify Poisons and Neutralize Venoms. This ability allows a Kwillian to touch another living thing and remove the input of physical sensation from a small area around where they've touched. This is useful for Kwillings who've stepped on thorns, temporarily numbing an area for a vaccination, and even numbing injuries that are causing immense pain to a Kwillian. It could however, also be used to prevent a Kwillian from detecting a pick-pocket slipping their wallet out of their pocket.
This ability requires physical contact to the area that's being number, whether that be skin to skin or through clothes. Numbing Touch is most easily cast by someone who is calm and not feeling any extreme emotion, the calmer and more cold a Kwillian is feeling the more of an area they can numb. Numbing Touch is not a cure all, nor does it actually fix any injuries it numbs. It only removes physical sensation from an area without actually addressing the route problem, a Kwillian suffering from an injury should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible!
Neutralize venom from dangerous creatures that's been injected into another.
The sister ability to Purify Poison, Neutralize Venom allows the caster to neutralize any injected toxins out of the body of another living creature. This is often utilzied when Kwillian get bitten by wild insects or reptiles after antagonizing or stepping on them. This also applies to pets that may get bitten simply by wandering off and being attacked. Obviously this ability has mostly if not solely practical non-nefarious purposes. It's hard to call curing someone or something of a potentially deadly bite evil after all!
The limitations of this ability closely mirror its sister ability. Neutralize Venom requires physical contact with the Kwillian or creature being cured of a venomous bite. This ability, much like Purify Poison, can only neutralize so much venom in a creatures system. If they've been given a large or potent dose of venom, it can be hard to remove all of the toxins from their system. The more magic put into casting the ability, the more toxicity that is removed from the blood of the creature or Kwillian being cast on.
Spit a caustic solution that causes burning and stinging, and even temporary blindness if in the eyes.
This ability allows a toxic alignment Kwillian to spit a not only caustic but corrosive solution back up out of their stomachs. This ability is used almost solely offensively, letting a Kwillian drive off attackers with their acid, spit in the face of someone they don't like, or corrode away locks on doors for an easier time breaking inside of buildings. Still yet though, some toxic Kwillian also use this acid for artistic purposes, applying it to sheets of wood or metal to burn designs into the surfaces before hanging them up on display.
This acid irritates the throat when spit, and toxic Kwillian can only spit up so much of it before causing damage to themselves. The more one has eaten recently, the more acid they can produce with their magic and spit up, however doing this empties the stomach and a toxic Kwillian will need to eat again shortly after using this ability. It's best to drink cold chalk water between spitting acid to cool and coat the throat to prevent damage to it from the caustic properties of the acid.
Touch another living thing and completely paralyze it for a short time, leaving it helpless.
Paralyze allows the caster to come into contact with another living thing, whether it be Creature or Kwillian, and leave it paralyzed for several moments. This ability is most often used offensively in fights to keep opponents from fighting back for a short period of time, however, it's got his practical uses too. Such as temporarily paralyizing your moppet as it refuses to allow you to file its claws, or swaddling a feisty angry wild animal you need to medicate. It's also useful for pranks if you're feeling like stealing a sandwich from a friend while they can't do anything about it!
To paralyze a target the Kwillian casting this ability must first come into physical contact with the target in some way. This ability also requires more magic the larger the creature being paralyzed. Toxic Kwillian often find that they'll have trouble paralyzing any creature larger than them, or if they do manage it they're left exhausted and unable even run away. Better to just start with the running away from the big bad things in the night rather than try and paralyze them first. This ability doesn't last more than a total of five minutes, regardless of the size of the creature, nor can more than one creature be paralyzed at the same time.
Lay hands on another living creature and turn the very blood inside its body toxic, causing pain.
Toxic Touch is a powerful magical ability that leaves those who come into contact with it often in agonizing pain, or too disoriented to do anything but fall over to the ground. This ability is used only offensively, there isn't really way to twist causing agony or unconsciousness to another creature into a positive thing. However most only use this ability if forced to in a confrontation, leaving their attackers incapacitated as they flee for safety.
This ability requires, as in the name, touch. The longer the contact with the target while casting this ability the more toxic their blood will become. Toxic Touch also cannot kill a creature as the toxins instilled by this magic are non-lethal toxins. It's also important to remember that the larger the target one is trying to toxify, the longer contact is required to instill the same amount of toxins as a smaller target would take in less time.