Purity Abilities | Kwillians

Purity Abilities


Create Light

Conjure light right into your hand.


The ability lets the user conjure a ball of light directly into their hand! This light conjuration can only take the place of many small pinpoints of light, or a large orb. Many purity kwillian use this ability to, of course, light up dark areas to better see where they are. More talented Kwillian are capable of conjuring a quick blinding flash of light to disorient attackers or would-be pursuers using this ability.


Users can only conjure a light into their hand, typically at the tip of a finger or in the palm of their hand. This ability also requires immense concentration, with the less focused not being able to conjure as bright of a light as those with more concentration. This ability can typically be kept up as long as a Kwillian can concentrate on using it, at least until they run out of magic to keep it going.

Detect Truth

Close your eyes and feel for the truth...


Purity Kwillian can use this ability to detect when someone is telling the truth! Great for telling if a Kwilling is lying about having eaten an extra cookie when they were only supposed to have one, or for seeing if a Kwillian is a spy for the enemy kingdom. Many interrogators are purity Kwillian thanks to this very ability.


This ability is only able to detect purposeful and malicious lies! This means that accidental wrong answers or guesses aren't detected as lies. Kwillian skilled at dancing at the razor edge of truth are great at avoiding setting off this ability, and Corruption Kwillian are able to completely cloak their lies from this ability with their own "Shroud Lie" ability.


Remove impurifications in the air, or objects...


This ability is capable of removing things such as toxins or corruption from the air or water supplies. Historically, royalty have used this ability to assure their food and drinks aren't poisoned. Modern-day Kwillian also use this ability, though now it's more commonly used to purify the land, water, or to clean holy sites set up for the beloved god Leht.


This ability is only capable of removing a small amount of corruption or toxins from something. This means that purification of large areas takes a lot longer than small objects, and often requires more than one Kwillian as well. This ability is also useless against removing venoms from the body, only able to negate poisons or toxins from objects, liquids, or the air!



Create a figure out of light and soothe away childish fears...


This ability allows the user to create a hologram, or essentially an image made out of light! These images can be three-dimensional or two-dimensional in appearance, typically used by purity Kwillian to conjure images to put on a show, or to soothe the fears of children. These holograms can also be used as distractions against enemies or wild creatures, if a Kwillian is skilled enough!


Beginners in this ability can only conjure a single, small, static hologram into their hands. More talented users of this ability can conjure larger, or even multiple images, slowly gaining the ability to make the holograms move! However, this ability requires concentration to keep holograms going, which often means that Kwillian can't conjure more then four or five holograms at a time in total!

Generate Forcefield

Throw up a forcefield and protect yourself from danger!


Best used to defend yourself, Generate Forcefield lets the user form a shield of light to protect themselves from any incoming attacks! Some Kwillian have also notoriously used this ability as an impromptu umbrella to keep the rain off during storms. Typically though, Forcefield is just used for practical uses such as protection from falling rocks or aggressive wildlife.


This ability can only be used to conjure a partial forcefield around the user. Generate Forcefield doesn't allow the user to conjure forcefield around others or conjure complete spheres around themself! Beginners in this ability tend to have weaker more easily broken forcefields, so make sure to practice this ability lots if you want a forcefield with any use!


Imbue an object or Kwillian with good energy...


Bless is an ability revered by many. This ability is used to create "blessed" objects, used to ward off things like corruption in the world. Blessed objects ward off not only corruption but can also be used to purify things! Typically this is used to purify small bowls of water for religious reasons, or to counteract against poisons.


Only small objects are able to be blessed, typically crystals or small statues of importance. These blessed objects aren't protection against corruption, only a ward to keep it back or to purify it in small amounts. Blessed objects will break when the magic imbued into them runs out, so don't go thinking a crystal will protect you from the bad things in the world...


Heal with Light

Heal small wounds with the power of purity magic!


Used to heal superficial wounds, this ability allows the user to close small injuries. Scrapes, papercuts, small scratches, and minor burns are some of the small abrasions that can be healed using this ability.


Heal with Light is extremely draining on the user, sapping their energy quickly compared to other abilities. The larger a wound is, the more energy it takes to heal. Large wounds like bite marks from animals or gashes can be partially healed, but often a Kwillian runs out of energy before being able to fully close the wound. This ability unfortunately cannot regrow limbs or digits, once they're gone, they're gone...


Manipulate the light around you and fade out of sight...


Invisibility is one of the most useful purity abilities a Kwillian can learn. This ability allows a Kwillian to fade from sight by manipulating the light around them! Especially useful for creeping through dangerous areas, avoiding city guards, or even just escaping an awkward conversation. Nothing quite like just disappearing from sight!


This ability requires the user to focus on it and remember to stay invisible. Beginners in this ability often struggle to make more than just an arm or leg disappear thanks to just how much effort it takes to become invisible! Those who have mastered this ability can not only fully make themselves disappear, but can even make other Kwillian they're touching vanish alongside themselves. Just remember not to go jogging through an area while invisible; the more you move around, the more the shimmering around you will give you away!

Project Thought

Let others know what you're thinking in the most invasive way possible!


This ability allows the user to project a thought they're currently thinking into the mind of another Kwillian! This is especially useful if trying to silently communicate with another, whether you just need to be quiet at the moment or even if you can't speak at all! Quite the useful ability for those who happen to be mute, or simply prefer not to speak.


Project Thought only allows the Kwillian using the ability to project thought into the eyes of another. This ability also requires eye contact between the user of the ability, and the one having the thought projected into their mind, whether that eye contact is on purpose or not doesn't matter. Beginners in this ability can often only project simple short words or shapes into the mind of their target. More skilled users can project simple images or short two to three word sentences. Occasionally, masters of this ability, can project complex images and sentences, however this is incredible rare.