Water Abilities | Kwillians

Holy Abilities


Holy Light

Shine a holy light that soothes those around it, removing their pains and filling them with vigor.


Focusing magic through their hands, a Kwillian can shine a bright, holy light in the surrounding area! This light is capable of soothing those around it both physically and emotionally, removing their pains and filling them with vigor and determination!


This light is not a permanent fix for any physical wounds! It is only a temporary burst of vigor, meant for hyping up soldiers in a fight if things look bad. Though it may remove the pain and instill energy in a Kwillian, it does not undo the damage, or prevent it from happening. While a Kwillian may not feel a blow, it can still be fatal. Often Kwillian instilled with a Holy Light will fight to the death, unaware of their own injuries. It also has a bit of a limited radius, with even the masters of this ability only capable of a distance of about a three-meter circumference. It is said however that some Holy Kwillian have been able to instill entire armies with Vigor, pushing them to fight ever onward.


Emit a blinding flash from your gem, temporarily blinding those around you…


Similar to Holy Light, a Kwillian can emit a blinding flash from their gem capable of blinding those in the surrounding area! Useful for a quick getaway in a tough situation, or an easy way to gain the upper hand in a fight!


This ability also has a limited distance of about a two to three meter circumference, though the closer the affected Kwillian is to the user, the longer they'll be blinded! Do be careful though, this can also affect any allies near you unlucky enough to look!

Holy Fire

Summon a purifying fire in your hand that burns away taint and corruption, and also skin.


Concentrating pure magic above or around your hand(s), a Holy Kwillian can summon purifying fire into their hands! This fire is capable of fully burning away taint and corruption, though it's also capable of burning skin. It makes a good quick-thinking weapon in a fight for beginner users!


Kwillians can only find themselves making small bursts of this fire starting out, and it tends to snuff out quickly if one isn't focused enough. Learning and mastering this ability is quite important though, as it's the main gateway to a lot of the other abilities Holy Kwillian can learn!



Throw your fists and punch the air, letting off blasts of fire to strike your target.


With quick movements with your fists punching through the air, a Kwillian is capable of letting off quick bursts of fire straight to their target! An incredibly powerful weapon in a fight, it's sure to subdue your target in a snap. Just be careful where you aim that fire, one wrong move and you can accidentally singe a friend, or even burn down a forest.


The size of your fire blasts are all dependent on your experience with the ability as well as how much you're able to focus your magic in quick situations like fights. Beginners only tend to be able to do tiny bursts of fire from their fingertips if trying to use this ability quickly. Start out slow to get the level of concentration needed down, and work your way up from there!


Strike your target and leave them stunned and unable to act for several moments.


Focusing your magic into one quick hit, strike your target directly to leave them stunned! Like Flash, it's a great way to give yourself enough time to either make a clean getaway or to get the proper upper hand in a fight. If one's skilled enough, use the two abilities in unison to leave that poor foe unable to do anything for quite a while!


Similar to other magic used in quick succession, the power of this ability really depends on the amount you're able to focus your magic to your hands in such a short amount of time. Beginners should find themselves starting out slow with this, getting used to the amount of focus they need in order to properly use this ability, and slowly increase how fast they go from there!

Resist Damage

Surround yourself with a holy aura and become tougher, able to withstand heavier blows and shrug off punches.


Concentrating your magic and surrounding yourself with a holy aura, a Kwillian can make themselves physically tough with their magic! This makes them able to withstand heavy blows with little to no injury, and they can even shrug off punches like they're nothing. Incredibly useful in tough situations, or when you get into a drunken bar brawl with someone twice your size.


This magic takes tons of concentration to properly shield oneself, so this ability tends to only be used while standing still. While masters of the ability can find themselves using it while actively moving, even they can't seem to hold the proper amounts of concentration needed for very long before losing their aura.



Snap your fingers and combust a flammable object immediately, lighting the entire thing on fire and possibly exploding it.


With a snap of one's fingers, a Holy Kwillian can combust a flammable object immediately! While this mainly is used for starting quick fires, it can even be useful in situations where, say, a bomb may need going off! No need for anyone to stand too close to it to light it up, explode that thing in an instant with this ability.


This ability's range is limited to how much of the object a Kwillian can properly see. The closer they are to what they want to combust, the quicker it lights. Be careful as well, one wrong distraction and you can be lighting something else on fire that you didn't mean to. Combust has the risk of turning an object to ash immediately if too much is put into the combustion, and it can take Kwillian lots of practice to master just how much magic different objects take to immediately overtake them in a fire.

Breathe Light

Open your mouth and emit a radiant beam from it, purifying everything the light touches.


Opening your mouth wide and concentrating your magic, a Kwillian can shoot a radiant beam from their mouth! This beam is capable of purifying everything it touches, completely destroying any taint or corrupted magic in that the beam goes over. This ability also radiates heat, so if your hands are a little chilly it's a perfect way to warm them up quickly.


This magic is limited to a Kwillian's lung capacity! The longer you can hold your breath, the longer you can shoot your radiant beam! The beam also has somewhat of a limited radius, depending on how much magic the user is able to concentrate into the beam of light. It's not a smart idea to let the beam linger on something for too long, or else you risk singing the object with the heat of the beam, this ability is best used in short sweeps or blasts.


Touch an object, creature, or Kwillian and purge any magical taint from them in an instant, risking burns.


With just a touch of a finger, a Holy Kwillian can purge any magical taint from whatever they desire in an instant. Whether it be an object, creature, or Kwillian, no matter the severity of the magical taint, it can be dispelled instantly! Though, this does come with a risk of burns.


The possible burn severity depends on the amount of magical taint is contained in the object attempting to be purged. While most come out decently unscathed, a Kwillian with too much magical taint risks severe third-degree burning, even death if bad enough. There are definitely some levels of morality to be considered if using this ability on a Kwillian that's possibly too far gone to save. As well, the more taint needed to be purged from an object or creature, the more magic is drained from the user leaving them exhausted afterward.