Fire Abilities | Kwillians

Fire Abilities


Flame Conjuration

Allows your Kwillian to conjure flames directly above their hands! Perfect for lighting up the area to an extent.


This flame can be used to light up a small area around the user. Perfect for lighting a candle by conjuring flames right to your fingertips! Not to mention, well, making fire out of nowhere is pretty badass! Who doesn't want to juggle flames?


The flame is small and unable to grow bigger than roughly the size of a medium orange. Along with that it's hard to maintain for long periods of time, most Fire Kwillian have the flame begin to flicker and fade after an hour of sustained use. Not to mention it requires constant concentration which can drain the conjurer! The flame can't be thrown long distances, at best only a few feet from the user.

Fire Manipulation

Manipulate flames into fun shapes, or from one torch to another if yours is burning low!


Utilized practically in some ways, such as manipulating fire off of burning objects to save them or to grow flames in size. It can also be used to make basic shapes, like hearts, squares, or circles.


Flames are often difficult to shrink in size with Fire Manipulation, requiring more patience and focus to tame fires. This makes Fire Manipulation a not very viable option for helping extinguish large flames such as house fires, or raging forest fires.

Detect Heat

The Ability for your Kwillian to use their eyes to detect heat sources! Working as Infrared vision, it allows your Kwillian to find heat sources, such as open flame, hot cups of coffee, or even other Kwillian!


This ability is useful if trying to spot creatures in the dark, making them appear outlined in red even in pitch blackness! This is useful for hunters stalking prey, or Kwillian trying to avoid creatures in the woods.


This ability becomes difficult to use in hot areas, such as southern areas during the summer, or volcanic caverns under the ground. Lots of heat muddle the source, making every appear highlighted. This ability isn't night vision, and while things that give off heat can be seen in a sea of black, the colder temperature things will still be invisible!


Ignite Object

Use this ability to ignite flammable objects from afar, meaning you can light torches or candles from afar without risking burning your hands!


This ability is great for those who need to make a fire without putting their hand close to it! Such as lighting campfires, candles, or torches. This is useful if you want to avoid burns on the hands/arms trying to light a fire with the Flame Conjuration ability.


This ability is limited by range and concentration! It's hard to focus on far away or moving objects, meaning it's difficult to conjure anything more then small smolders on something in the distance. Kwillian with issues focusing their minds and eyes may find this ability especially challenging to use.

Resist Heat

This ability allows for resistance against small flame or temporary intense heat!


Use this ability to resist heat for short periods of time! This could be running quickly through flames, or even sticking your hand into boiling water for a moment. This can even be used to avoid heatstroke on especially hot summer days, or hot caverns.


This ability isn't immunity to heat, prolonged exposure to incredibly high temperatures like large fire or even short exposure to something like magma or some molten metals with high melting points can still cause burns; so watch out!

Melt Materials

Use this ability to metal things that need melting by focusing heat into the hands!


This ability is useful for melting things such as ice to cool off, or wax to make stamps with! It can also be used to melt soft metals with a low melting temperature, such as gold or tin! This can be useful for small trinkets, etc.


It's difficult to melt some things, such as metals with higher melting points, such as tungsten, iron, or titanium! It's also hard to melt down large objects, as the heat source comes from the Kwillian, and may not reach all the way into the center of the object being melted! This ability also doesn't allow a Kwillian to just melt anything they want, the object they wish to melt must already be able to melt!


Heat Immunity

This ability allows your Kwillian to become temporarily immune to incredibly high temperatures such as blazing flames, or even magma!


This ability is especially useful, allowing Kwillian to walk through fire as long as it's active! This includes touching melted metals with bare hands, or even wading through magma pools to reach the other side.


This ability is hard to maintain, requiring constant concentration on keeping it running. With a time limit of a few minutes at max, most Kwillian use it to show off, or occasionally to try and catch Cravics in the deep caverns.

Breathe Flames

The power to spit fire at your enemies (or allies), just like a dragon would!


This ability allows your Kwillian to breathe fire out of their mouth! This ability is useful in fights, capable of burning opponents or making them run out of range of the devastating breath. Some Kwillian use this ability in small controlled bursts to do things such as roast foods quickly, yum!


This ability relies entirely on breath control, and not being an idiot! The fire only lasts for as long as a Kwillians exhale, this means that breath control and breathing practices are important for Kwillian to learn to properly harness this power. It's also hard to control and unweildly, the force of the fire is comparable to a light recoil, meaning Kwillian must keep their mind focused!

Magma Manipulation

Manipulate Magma like you can manipulate fire, well, to an extent that is!


This ability allows Kwillian to manipulate Magma, lifting it out of pools and shaping it to their liking! This ability is very similar to the water Ability "Manipulate Water', just with Water's much spicier counterpart!


This ability requires immense focus, and a Kwillian must keep their eyes on the magma at all times. Magma will become more and more difficult to control the more it cools off, so make sure that your Magma is piping hot or it may drop to the floor!