Manipulate small bits of earth around.
This ability is useful for playing pranks on your friend by tossing small rocks at them! This can also be used to help out your more nature-inclined buddies with gardening, or maybe to hurl pebbles at attackers to confuse them.
Manipulate Pebbles required concentration to keep the pebbles/earth in the air! Keep in mind that no matter how good of a magic-user a Kwillian is, they also can pull earth from nowhere. This ability is limited to small rocks/bits of earth pulled from the ground, not including sand or large chunks of ground.
Who needs dumb luck when you've got dumb strength.
This ability has its obvious abilities! No longer will your Kwillian be unable to open the pickle jar or pick up their friend with the power of Enhanced Strength! This ability is incredibly useful, letting Kwillian push themselves past their usual limit and do the undoable.
This ability is an amplifier that builds on a Kwillians already existing raw strength. This means that the weaker a kwillian is naturally, the less effect this ability will be! Beginner users of this ability may be able to multiply their strength by half, while adept users may be able to double or even triple their strength with this ability.
Put your ear to the ground and feel the earth breathe.
This ability is most often used by trackers or lookouts for soldier encampments. This ability is used to feel vibrations through the ground, allowing the user to sense any nearby movement! This can be anything from small creatures, a wild bristling boar or two, or even other Kwillian.
Beginners using this ability often require more contact with the ground in order to properly sense where Vibrations are coming from. Only true pros in this ability are capable of pinpointing exactly where vibrations are coming from. More often, however, users will simply only be able to feel what general direction vibrations are coming from. The softer the footsteps, the more difficult the vibrations are to feel through the earth, so you're not likely to catch mice with this.
Dig through the earth like a worm! or a mole, really.
This ability is used best to dig tunnels through the earth, however, many Earth Kwillian also tend to use this ability for other more practical things! From excavating ore without a pickaxe to clearing blockages in tunnels, this ability makes Earth Kwillian a necessity for mining operations.
Dig is limited by physical strength, with stronger Kwillian being able to tunnel faster and heave more dirt out of the way at once. It's also incredibly hard for Kwillian to tunnel through hard stones, with things such as quartz being nearly impossible to tunnel through, and Talc being comparable to dirt.
Manipulate Pebbles cooler cousin
The upgraded version of Manipulate Pebbles, Lift Earth is used to rip pieces from the ground and fling them at your enemies! From large rocks to pulling massive clumps of the earth right from the ground, there's a lot this ability can do.
This ability is limited by physical strength, with the amount of Earth a Kwillian is able to lift being compatible to what they'd be able to heave up with their own two arms! This ability is also hard to master, and often Kwillian will practice it by lifting the desired rock or such in their arms before trying to use magic to lift it up.
An upgrade from what you could do as a baby, for sure.
This ability lets a Kwillian make the very earth under their feet shake in a mini-earthquake in their vicinity. This is best used to throw enemies off balance or you could use it to shake trees and get any fruit that may be up in those leaves! Most Kwillian find this ability easiest to use by hitting the ground somehow.
This ability is proximity-based, with Tremors originating from the Kwillian themselves and becoming weaker the further from a Kwillian they are! Beginners often are limited to their tremors not reaching more than ten or fifteen feet out, some adept users are able to have their tremors reach out over double that, sometimes even being able to create tremors in a fifty-foot radius.
Protect yourself juggernaut style with rock armor.
This ability is used to rip rock and earth up from the ground and compress it onto the body into a thick layer of armor! Many Kwillian use this ability for armor on the fly if they need it since most either can't afford proper metal armor or just want to move quickly without the heavy burden of metal casing!
Rock Armor is only temporary and will fall off after ten to twenty minutes after construction. This ability can't just pull rock from nowhere, meaning that the Kwillian using this ability must have a nearby source of rock to form into armor. The more rock there is, the more a Kwillian can cover or the thicker they can make the armor.
Manipulate the finer things in life, like sand.
This ability is used to, well, shape sand! Though Lift Earth can be used to lift sand, this ability can be used to manipulate sand into tools or other such things! The user can use this ability to compress sand into a tight tool for use for a limited amount of time, similar to the Condense Water ability!
This ability requires a source of sand to use to shape and compress, meaning that many earth affinity Kwillian will carry a bag of sand on their person to compress into small tools. Shaped Sand requires constant concentration to keep the shape of the shape, typically falling apart two or so hours after the shaping took place.
Turn plants and bugs to stone...
The ability can be used to turn small living things such as plants or bugs into stone. Petrification is most often used to show off, though many Kwillian make a career out of preserving flowers that Kwillian were gifted by passed on loved ones into stone.
This ability requires constant eye contact with the plant or small bug being Petrified. This ability also takes a long time, with larger plants taking more time than just a leaf or small fly might. Though Petrification works on anything smaller than a mouse, it's generally frowned upon to petrify anything more than plants. Even those who petrify bugs may gain some disgusted glances or even lose some friends.