Test Page | Kwillians

Baby Abilities

Every Kwillian has an alignment to an element with their own unique elemental powers. Although a full-grown Kwillian may be able to control their powers to perform purposeful magic, babies are only capable of small manifestations of their magical powers! Kwillings can only perform the corresponsing baby ability to their alignment, but don't worry, once they're grown they unlock the rest of their magical potential!


Fire Kwillian by far have the most practical and useful of the Baby Abilities! These little radiators can generate and emit heat that can be felt in a small area around them. It's not hot enough to burn on contact with the Kwillian using the ability. Since this ability also warms up the user, it's possible to give yourself heatstroke, so it's not advised to use in the summer!


Bubbles and more bubbles! Water Kwillian can blow bubbles without needing any sort of soap. These can be made from their own spit, water, or any other sort of liquid they have in their mouth. It's pretty common for Water Kwillian to blow spit bubbles at playmates they don't like, or use them to entertain children when grown!


Wind Kwillian can gather wind under them for quite the feat- leaping into the air! The ability lets a Kwillian conjure an updraft that lets them go flying. Of course, baby Kwillings can jump higher then their heavier adult counterparts, but that height isn't exactly a good thing. Kwillings aren't great at the whole conjuring a draft on the way down part, and often this ability leads to sprained ankles and fractured bones.


Quite the display from ornery little Earth Kwillings, Quake lets the user make the ground under their feet tremble! Of course, these tremors aren't very big, only think like the small shake of someone landing after jumping. Adults can conjure bigger shakes, but don't tend to do so as often as upset children, after all they can be arrested for property damage unlike a little baby.


When Purity Kwillings use this ability for the first time it's usually seen as a good omen! Lantern causes the Kwillian using the ability to glow, with babies glowing faintly all over and adults able to concentrate the glow to a specific part of their body for a very limited amount of time in a brighter glow. This is quite useful, allowing them to light up dim rooms around them, or use their own body as a nightlight if they happen to be afraid of the dark.

Shadow Puppets

With all their reputation as bad omens, you'd think Corruption Kwillian would have a terrifying ability as children. However, their baby ability can only be used to manipulate and move around shadows. These Kwillian often use this ability for things like shadow puppet shows or shrouding themselves in darkness on a sunny day to cool off. Seeing as the ability is harmless, it's not exactly easy to use for malicious intent.


They aren't kidding when they call smoke-aligned Kwillings huffy! Babies aligned to the smoke element have a tendency to huff out small puffs of sharp-smelling smoke when angry or afraid for any reason. Whether that be in the face of another Kwillian they were bickering with, into the air as they throw tantrums because you wouldn't give them a cookie before bed, or in a trail of small puffs as they run away from danger as fast as their little feet will take them.


Molten alignment Kwillings have the ability to melt small amounts of soft metals as babies. This is less of a reactive ability and something that molten kwillings instead are able to do at will as long as they're not under pressure, at least. Most often used to melt small metal disks, or occasionally metal dice if the molten Kwilling is losing at a game with others, into small puddles of metal.

Static Cling

This ability lets an electricity Kwilling charge up their body far more than their non-sparky counterparts. They can release this charge by brushing up against others, or purposefully head-butting their buddies to give them quite the shock. The more excited a Kwilling with the electricity alignment is, the more static cling they can build up on their body, sort of like a bouncy hyperactive leaking battery. They sure are cute while they do it though!

Shard Sneeze

Crystal Kwillings have quite explosive little sneezes, shooting out tiny crystal shards that are best described as shiny sand or glitter. These crystals are round and don't hurt, crystalizing during exiting the nose. This ability can be triggered quite simply whenever one of these Kwillian feels a tickle and the need to sneeze, taking effect whenever they let out a great big sneeze. This often means lots of sweeping up after sneezing fits, especially if a Crystal Kwilling is sick


This baby ability is the completely opposite sibling of the Radiator baby ability. Ice Kwillings when calm or sad begin to cool down a not-insignificant amount, causing them to be slightly chilly to the touch. This often has caretakers concerned, or other Kwillings avoiding cuddling with their frosty friends, which in turn can increase a feeling of sadness and cause them to become colder. Thankfully this temperature can't lower too much, turning them chilly, but not cold and definitely not freezing.

Sneeze Dust

Baby Dust Kwillings have quite the adorable and annoying attribute, as in when they sneeze, out comes dust from their nose! This results in their caretakers often following them around with a broom and dustpan, cleaning up after little baby sneezes. Thankfully these sneezes don't create too much dust, but too bad of allergies or a particularly nasty upper respiratory infection and there'll be dust absolutely everywhere. Better to keep things clean while you can!

Sense Weather

Adorable little weather Kwillings have the ability to feel the onset of weather without looking outside, making them the perfect little indicators for outdoor conditions. If one asks for their rain boots to go play outside it's pretty safe to say it's going to be storming soon enough, if it isn't already! This ability is almost completely passive, simply activating randomly or when a weather Kwilling has a reason to want to know the weather, like wanting to know what it's like outside so they can go play with all their friends or work in the garden!


This ability lets a particularly happy or excited nature Kwilling sprout seeds around them into seedlings. Seeds will split and the plant will begin to emerge, but this baby ability can't progress their growth much beyond that stage. Most often little nature Kwillings use this ability to start growing potted plants in their rooms, or helping their parents plant gardens. After all, nature-aligned Kwillian do love to be closer to plants and animals!


Holy Kwillings can glow with a purifying light emitting from their whole body! Called blazing, this light causes the Kwillian to become hot to the touch, and even burn any who are tainted that come in contact. Thankfully this ability doesn't hurt corruption Kwillian, so a Holy and Corruption Kwilling can still snuggle up, even if this ability is active! Most often, Blaze is activated when a holy Kwilling is startled or afraid, so it's best to keep these babies calm and happy.


Warped Kwillings can change the colors of objects or plants wherever their claws touch, making them quite the little artists! This ability tends to turn things the kwillings favorite color, or as close to it as possible at least. This ability works best on non-living things or individual leaves. While an adult using this ability may be able to turn a larger area into their favorite color, Kwillings claws are only so big, so there's only so much they can recolor!


Arcane Kwillings have the unique ability to feel into the immediate future, getting a good or bad feeling depending on what's going to happen soon. This ability is most easily activated when a Kwilling is calm and serene, but it's also important that what a Kwilling perceives as bad or good may vary from what an adult thinks! A little arcane Kwilling might have a horrible feeling predicting they aren't allowed to eat ice cream for dinner, so there's no telling just what bad thing they're perceiving!


This completely passive baby ability renders Toxic Kwillian completely immune to any deathly effects of poisons or venoms. This doesn't mean it's a good idea to go shoving Hounds Tooth flowers into your mouth, you'll still get an upset tummy from the poisons or venoms you intake. Not to mention most things poisonous don't taste very good, so it's probably a better idea to just avoid them anyways.


This ability makes infernal Kwillings hard to resist loving on! Infernal Kwillian can make those around them perceive in a more positive manner, whether it be thinking they're cuter, smarter, or even nicer than they really are. More easily used by happy Infernal Kwillian, this ability is quite the ordeal, and often has caretakers paying more attention to their magical little infernal Kwillings using their baby ability, than to Kwillings who may need the extra attention. Luckily Nina seems to be immune to such magic, maybe because she loves all Kwillings so much already!


Pestilent Kwillings have quite the sad passive magic, plants just can't seem to stay upright around them and will wilt sadly when touched. How long they're wilted in appearance depends on how sad the Kwillian touching them is! The sadder the Kwillian, the sadder the plant. Thankfully a happy pestilent Kwillian will barely wilt a plant at all, though they still do get a little droopy. The effects of Wilt fade within an hour, no matter what.


Spectral Kwillings can never seem to keep their feet firmly on the ground, drifting an inch or so above, dragging their claws along. This passive ability activates at random times, turning a Kwilling weightless and letting them hover a few inches off the ground for a few moments before deactivating and sending them back down onto their butts. Adults have better control over this ability, just remember the larger a Kwillian, the close to the ground they'll remain!